Sunday, June 29, 2014

Proms In The Park with the Rutland Concert Band, organised by Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM, in Aid of Help For Heroes, Armed Forces Day Photographs

Proms In The Park with the Rutland Concert Band, organised by Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM, in Aid of Help For Heroes, Armed Forces Day.

Anne Mortimer Music & More Oakham

Mr Humphrey former Oakham Town Councillor, his son Tim
used to administrate Rutland County Councils Online Chat forum
used in a inappropriate way by Cllr Charles Haworth and former
Oakham Mayor's.

Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM in charge of selecting who should receive
a flag and ordering all to sing and enjoy. People followed her
orders and enjoyed the evening up to about 9pm. They wanted
more but were told there was time limit set. A woman shouted
out Oakham School have no limits, referring to the end of term
noise that continued into the early hours of Saturday morning.