Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Great Market Overton Bake Off, Market Overton Feast Weekend celebrations

The Great Market Overton Bake Off

Saturday June 28th

This event is part of the Market Overton Feast Weekend celebrations
Categories are:
Victoria Sponge, 4 plain scones, biscuits (any type).
The entry fee is £1 per category and entry forms are available from Market Overton, Community Shop Tel. 01572 767948.

Entries to be brought to the Village Hall between 10 and 10.45am ready for judging from 11am on the morning of Sat 28th of June.
Judging by Rose Fielding who is the Patisserie Chef at the award winning Hambleton Bakery.
There will be rosettes and certificates for the winners, and the overall winner will receive a voucher for cream tea for two at the Castle Cottage Cafe, Oakham.
Results will be announced at 2pm.

Tea, coffee squash, homemade cakes and biscuits will all be on sale from 11-4pm.
All proceeds will go to the benefit of the community.

Market Overton Village Hall
Main Street
Market Overton