Thursday, July 10, 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis A 9 minutes Public Deputation is excessive comment 4 items at Oakham Town Council!

Democracy at work in Oakham.

Oakham Town Council does not want any input from the public it is meant to serve.

At last nights meeting I made four deputations and it was hard going!

I had spoke to the Clerk before the meeting, because this is the first time I have felt  I needed to give a deputation on more than one item. He said The Mayor Jayne Woodcock was flexible and he could not see her not agreeing to extend the deputation period of three minutes.

Unfortunately Cllr Woodcock could not make the meeting so her deputy took control of the meeting.
Cllr Alf Dewis.

He knew I required extra time, he even knew I wanted to give a deputation because he says so at the beginning, but knowing that this power crazed Councillor decided I would need to plead for an extension.

He said I could not name any Councillor?

At the end of my deputation he told me I had taken nine minutes and that was excessive!

He said it would not happen again.

He also said my deputation about co-option would not be recorded because in his view it was a complaint.

Cllr Alf Dewis A 9 minutes Public Deputation is excessive comment 4 items at Oakham Town Council! 

In video above Cllr Dewis deputy Mayor spent more than one minute telling me my deputation was excessive.

He suggests in future I make the deputations shorter in the future, my deputations actually took 7 minutes 47 seconds not 9 minutes as he states

one was only  50 seconds long.

Deputation 1 lasted 4 minutes 14 seconds (1 minute was wasted by Cllr Dewis)
Deputation 2 lasted 1 minute 12 seconds
Deputation 3 lasted 50 seconds
Deputation 4 lasted 1 minute 31 seconds

People often ask what do I ask the Councillors often I raise issues that they have raised with me or things that concern me.

I always stick to the point because three minutes is a very limited amount of time to put a view across especially when you are speaking to a group of people who don't want to listen. To sum up I do much the same as if I was a member of the council, I cant of course vote and can normally only speak for three minutes, not easy.

Oakham Town Council Public Deputation 1 Co-option 9th June 2014

Oakham Town Council Public Deputation 2 Planning Sub Committee 9th June 2014 

Oakham Town Council Public Deputation 3 Oakham In Bloom Flower Bed Outside Oakham 9th June 2014 

Oakham Town Council Public Deputation 4 Ice Cream Vendor Cutts Close 9th June 2014

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham's Deputy Mayor and Chairman of The Oakham Town Partnership