Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Freedom of Speech No Limits According to a Leicestershire Police Sgt

A person recently convicted of vile and distressing offences has taken to Facebook to mock his conditional discharge.

One could say that is his right to freedom of expression and I don't have an issue with that but it is useful material to put before a judge.

When the comments made by him and friends are homophobic then I do have a problem with that.

Mr Q (I won't give him the pleasure of seeing his name on my blog at the moment.)

His friend joins in and posts comments like this one:

"be careful mate... this bum boy faggot martin brookes, probably observes your facebook... he got nothing else to do... (ah, no.. he got a busy and famous blog ... LOL"

His friend also places comments on my public Facebook page calling my mother a whore.

He also sends me private messages of similar nature:

"whore son... shame that your mother shite you out into this world... youre unnormal anyway"

This is an abuse of freedom of expression.

My friends agree with me, one said:

So presumably you could exercise your freedom of speech by posting obscene and deeply insulting items on your page about the Police, black people, disabled people and Muslim terrorists. Not forgetting Cllr Charles Haworth and his fag hag