Sunday, July 06, 2014

MCG The Gaol, Airsoft experience, Oakham Enterprise Park In Rutland IN the Former HMP Ashwell, Video & Photos

MCG The Gaol, Airsoft experience, Oakham Enterprise Park In Rutland IN the Former HMP Ashwell


This is also the venue for the Zombie events.

Today I visited the Airsoft experience at the former HMP Ashwell site
now known as Oakham Enterprise Park.

I was given a tour by Mick, who explained what goes on at the former prison.
I heard a explosion! Mick led the way every now and then calling out marshal
on the stairs etc...

I was kitted out with safety equipment and was not shot!

MCG Events
Oakham Enterprise Park
Ashwell, Burley

Tel 07976457602
Email Justin@mcgthegaol.co.uk