Friday, July 18, 2014

Oakham Castle Royal Visit Horseshoe Presentation Private Event

Oakham Castle Royal Visit Horseshoe Presentation Private Event

Monday 28th July 2014

The Chairman of Rutland County Council has said
"The council is looking forward, in particular, to the traditional presentation of a horseshoe at Oakham Castle.”

It's a great shame members of the public will not be permitted to view this historic event.
The castle and grounds will be closed to all members of the public.

The Chairman of the Council Charlotte Vernon says the Council consider this a private event.

This event of course is all paid for by the local tax payer. The least the council could have arranged a viewing screen in the grounds or market place.

I made a request to photograph and film inside or outside the castle this has been turned down by Rutland County Council, Charlotte said the decision was not hers.

I don't need to guess who. It's good to see our dishonest Chief Executive has returned to Twitter and is open and approachable as ever.
