Saturday, July 19, 2014

Oakham Town Councils Poor Planning Decisions

Recently I sat listening at a town council meeting and once again became very frustrated, nothing new there.

Members were are to consider a change of use of a Gaol Street Shop.

Members were told that could not object to a change of use, of course they can and often should but don't

When they tell residents they have no control of what happens in our town that is absolute crap!

They sit and make no comment as more and more of Oakham's retail units are turned into letting agents or financial advice shops. Are they the type of business that will continue to attract visitors to our town?

I know most town councillors read my blog so maybe they should read this article in the Leicester Mercury.

Bookmakers William Hill lose battle to open new shop in Leicester city centre

Read more: http://www.leicestermercury.co.uk/bets-bookies-lose-planning-appeal/story-21660835-detail/story.html#comments#ixzz37wv6YILn