Cllr Peter Lockett Oakham Town Council resignation letter

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Resignation of Councillor Peter Lockett, Oakham Town Council.
Resignation of Councillor Peter Lockett, Oakham Town Council.
Peter Lockett has resigned from the Town Council, he had represented the Oakham South West Ward since August 2011
Cllr Lockett recently lied about my conduct at Council meetings when I was a member of the council during a co-option process.
Cllr Lockett was not all bad, he spoke his mind but listened to much gossip created by
Homophobic Councillors Haworth and Lucas. (Still wondering when they will resign)
I often liked the way he spoke out about issues in a very blunt manner.
He helped improve Oakham's CCTV although he was keen to monitor the public's every move here in Oakham, he was not very keen for the camera to be turned on him and objected to the introduction of filming at meetings.
He was also outspoken about the Gaol Street mural project, a very expensive project to be displayed on a privately owned building funded by the Arts Council and Oakham Town Council.
His resignation will see the need for the council to appoint another member to the pointless Planning sub committee.

Cllr Peter Lockett Oakham Town Councillor Voting against filming of meetings the day the law changed
Peter Lockett has resigned from the Town Council, he had represented the Oakham South West Ward since August 2011
Cllr Lockett recently lied about my conduct at Council meetings when I was a member of the council during a co-option process.
Cllr Lockett was not all bad, he spoke his mind but listened to much gossip created by
Homophobic Councillors Haworth and Lucas. (Still wondering when they will resign)
I often liked the way he spoke out about issues in a very blunt manner.
He helped improve Oakham's CCTV although he was keen to monitor the public's every move here in Oakham, he was not very keen for the camera to be turned on him and objected to the introduction of filming at meetings.
He was also outspoken about the Gaol Street mural project, a very expensive project to be displayed on a privately owned building funded by the Arts Council and Oakham Town Council.
His resignation will see the need for the council to appoint another member to the pointless Planning sub committee.

Cllr Peter Lockett Oakham Town Councillor Voting against filming of meetings the day the law changed