Friday, August 22, 2014

Ketton Fun Dog Show, Ketton Park Farm Stables, Ketton, Stamford, PE9 3RN, All Proceeds, Animal Helpline Dog Rescue, Wansford.

Ketton Fun Dog Show

Monday August 25th

(rescheduled from Sun 10 Aug)

Bring your furry friends for a fun day out - and support other dogs that are less fortunate than your own!
Our dig show is a happy playful chance to pit your pooch through his or her paces!
To give them a chance to show off their talents!

1 - Cutest Puppy (under 12 months)
2 - Golden Oldie (Over 9 years)
3 - Prettiest Female Dog
4 - Best Rescue
5 - A Face Only a Mother Could Love
6 - Happiest Dog (Biggest smile, waggiest tail)
7- Most Faith full Companion (We want to hear your stories)
8 - Best Young Handler
9 - Most Handsome Dog
10 - Sausage Chase
11 - Any Variety Terrier
12 - Best in Sow

£1 per entry: Bookings Start at 10:30am, Judging starts at 12 noon
Rosettes and Prizes: 1st, 2nd and 3rd place

All Proceeds go to the Animal Helpline Dog Rescue, Wansford.
DOG AGILITY RUN through-out the day - £1 per entry
Cakes, Refreshments & A Variety of Stalls available on the day

Ketton Park Farm Stables,

The event runs from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm