Monday, September 08, 2014

Further Proof Oakham Town Clerk Richard White is an Over Paid Fool, Changing Standing Orders to Accommodate Him Once Again

Further Proof Oakham Town Clerk Richard White is an Over Paid Fool

Recently a meeting of Oakham Town Council was adjourned the Clerk
minuted the reason saying I was abusive to him,

He is one of the biggest liars I have ever met.

He find criticism abusive even when it is justified criticism.

He was telling members they did not need to advertise a vacancy in the local
press he stormed out when I interrupted and said he was once again giving
members incorrect information.

And he was standing or 36 (c) Co-option instructs the need to advertise in
the local press.

When the meeting was reconvened there was no problem with advertising
in the local press. Not even from the original objector Cllr Stan Stubbs.

This week Oakham Town Council are amending standing orders.
and adding the words if necessary.

Once again changing the rule book to suit their unprofessional practice.

Why would a council not want to advertise for co-option candidates?
Answer when you are a town council made up many corrupt homophobic