Thursday, September 11, 2014

Oakham Town Council Approves Expenditure Without knowing How Much?

Oakham Town Council Approves Expenditure Without knowing How Much?

It no longer surprises me the way this 'little Pack' conducts is affairs especially when it comes
to spending public money.

At last nights members were asked to approve the following:

To agree on three designs for postscards and to authorise expenditure for the printing
of 1000 of each.

Cllr Adam Lowe was asked how much would this cost?

He responded I don't know.

Other Councillors speculated the cost.

How could members legally authorise expenditure without knowing the true cost?

Concerns were also raised about the effect on retailers caused by the council distributing free post cards to tourists.

The council said they had consulted retailers, naming only two, the museum and castle both run by the other council. They have agreed not to produce similar cards, so not to effect Rutland County Councils sales. Very considerate of the town council!

I guess it's tough luck for other retailers?