Thursday, September 11, 2014

Rutland County Council Cuts on Front Page of Rutland Times! Content Editor should take more holidays!

Rutland County Council Cuts on Front Page of Rutland Times

Well! Rutland County Council won't be happy with this weeks
Rutland Times, apart from the paper decoding the Tory 'People
First Document' to just one word "Cuts" there are many articles
worth reading this week.

The content editor should be sent of holiday more often.

I gave up reading as my eyes became a little blurred reading
Cllr Joyce Lucas's column. As usual the level of egotistic
nonsense was every increasing. This week she thanks her
own council for the towns expensive hanging baskets, Oakham
Town Council does nothing accept pay a huge sum for them.

Then they pay thousands for a company to water them.

At the moment most are looking pretty shabby due to the
lack of water.