Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Shocking Reproduction of one of my photographs by the Rutland Mercury

Kerry puts attack behind her to take part in Leicester Pride parade

Kerry Byrnes, 23, from Oakham, takes part in the Leicester Pride Parade alongside members of Leicestershire Police's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender network. Kerry's was injured in a homophobic attack by two men. EMN-140209-144038001

In this case I would not object to use of my photo I am surprised
they label it as their property: EMN-140209-144038001

A donation to a LGBT charity would be good.

The value of photographs can be high and I consider this photograph
of Kerry valuable as it appears to the only one taken and with her
consent and I would not exploit Kerry's kind consent and sell it.

Its well known this paper is not a friend of mine and has often
due to its friendship with our charming Councillors past and
present  refused to publish my photographs many


Police are still investigating the attack, which happened in Burley Road at about 1.30am on August 17.

Kerry was walking home from a night out when two men approached her. One of them made a homophobic comment before they pushed her to the floor, knocking her unconscious.

Anyone with information on the attack should call 101 quoting crime reference LR/01075/14-9.