Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cllr Edward Baines (Conservative) Aldi Oakham Planning Application Rutland County Council Video

Cllr Edward Baines (Conservative) Aldi Oakham Planning Application Rutland County Council Video

Image Rutland Radio, Yes that is me at the Round Table, 
when I am not protesting about our rotten council

Rutland County Councils Development and Licencing Committee
approved plans to build an Aldi supermarket in Oakham.

I could not miss two people who live near me I liked the banner!

There was huge public support for the plans. Hundreds people packed into Rutland County Museum the meeting of the Council’s development control committee was moved from the council offices because so many people had turned up. Many had to stand amongst the farming exhibits and some even stood upstairs.

The public were very noisy, cheers and applause and annoyance that Tory Cllr Edward Baines
appeared to be scared to use a microphone so people could hear him. At one stage he advised
he would adjourn the meeting if the public did not keep quiet. If he had I think there would
have been a riot.

The mayor of Oakham Jayne Woodcock gave a deputation on behalf of Oakham Town Council or
should I say a party political broadcast for a town council that certainly did not bare any resemblance to the Oakham Town Council I know.

Aldi’s property director for the Athestone region Ciaran Aldridge gave deputation ahead of the debate, which lasted more than an hour, urging councillors to vote in favour of the store, which Aldi claim will create up to 40 jobs. as Aldi's rep he also said they were agreeing a £100,000 developer contribution to help improve Oakham Town Centre and then continued with a commercial for the company. He was a hit with the ladies and probably a few closeted men, but fortunate for him only
a few ladies offered kisses at the end.

The ladies my like this advert for cheap Aldi Champagne.

The Planning officers’ recommended refusal. Cllr Cross the Tory Councils clown or fool, proposed members of the public should applaud council staff for their hard work. Nothing became of that
daft proposal.

Councillors also heard that there had been hundreds of letters and e-mails of support from members of the community, as well as two petitions set up in favour of the plans both containing 1000's of signature, A couple Facebook campaigns also attracted hundreds of supporters.

Members of the development control committee decided to approve the plans with 10 members voting in favour of approving the plans and one abstention. Chair of the committee Tory Cllr Edward Baines would have liked to vote against, but instead abstained describing himself as "a coward"

What became very clear from the meeting is most of our county Councillors currently shop at
Aldi in Corby