Saturday, October 11, 2014

Somerby Scarecrow Festival

Somerby Scarecrow Festival

Multiple dates from Saturday October 11th to Sunday October 12th

Free admission. Home baked cakes and teas, coffee and biscuits available all weekend. We've got a Scarecrow Vicar, Oakham YFC Scarecrow Farmer, Somerby Singers are doing a scarecrow, a hand knitted family of Scarecrows, Somerby School are doing the main characters from "A Scarecrows Wedding", Knossington and Somerby Preschool are busy making lots of mini scarecrows! Even Worzel Gummage and an Aunt Sally will be there! Please publicise this event if you can. All proceeds toward the running of All Saints Church, Somerby. The Festival is being held in and around the Church.

The event runs from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm