Thursday, November 20, 2014

Birstall Christmas Lights Switch On

Fri, 05 Dec 2014 5:00pm

Birstall Christmas Lights Switch On

Hugely popular and extremely well attended Christmas event. From 5:30 pm there will be a brass band playing for Carol singers, the countdown for the Switch On by a mystery guest at 6:00 pm followed by more Carols, there are fairground rides on both the Sibson Road car park and School Lane car park. Roasted Chestnuts, Hot Dogs, Burgers.

There is a Christmas Market in the Village Hall and FREE Mulled Wine & Mince Pies (whilst stocks last)

Venue: Sibson Road Car Park and Birstall Village Hall

Disabled Access: Yes

Contact: Sue Coulson / 0116 267 6191 / admin@birstallpc.org.uk