Saturday, November 29, 2014

Engel's England, Matthew Engel, Thirty-Nine, Counties, One Capital, One Man, Guide, Rutland County Council

Engel's England, Matthew Engel, Thirty-Nine, Counties, One Capital, One Man

A new guide book has been published, written by Matthew
Engel. A journalist who has written for the Guardian for the
long period of 25 years. Now he is a columnist (not communist!
as I first read out to a friend.) for the Financial Times.

I was told I might be interested in the book and given a
brief summary, so I took the plunge and purchased a copy.

I am pleased I did, apart from the obvious chapter the other
parts I have read are also interesting, Humour and History would
sum up the content.

The book is shelved in the History section in our local
book store Walkers on the High Street. I can see why
because it is full of little snippets of interesting history.

As for Rutland, Chapter Nine refers to our dreadful
Tory Council, A local blogger who I believe is me!
Some familiar names and places. Including a building
that resembles a person who is brain dead and that
is not the council office.

Like the county of Rutland the Chapter and Matthews visit
to Rutland appears small. I wonder if he made the mistake
of visiting the council first? I know if I were to stumble
across the council again for the first I would run a mile.

The above section explains the original reason for the
Rutland Anti Corruption Group which became UKIP.

The late councillor Brian Montgomery explained
'We're saying the system is corrupt'

Brian Montgomery was the founder of Rutland Independence
and I am sure he was truly proud of Rutland and what he had
achieved. I don't disbelieve him and believe his reason is
still valid today. The Tory Council led by Roger Begy
Terry King and Helen Briggs who have bullied and bulldozed
the council into a very poor standing throughout our community.

Matthew Engel was baffled the way the council press officer
veered  - after his visit - from extreme helpfulness to a blanket
failure to reply to messages, One could only conclude he
was acting under orders.

Correct, he was once speaking to me and the Chief Executive
Helen Briggs called him away and he never spoke to me
again, He resigned from the council around the time this
book was published.

Roger Begy, who is often referred to as a thick pile, he is far
from that. Intelligent and devious is how I would describe him.
I can only imagine he was told, there is a man travelling around
the country writing a book, go and humour him, they may have
even described him in the same way I am referred to by Roger
and his team, 'Idiot' Then after a few pints Roger realised
he was in the company of an intelligent man. Possible deduced
he was a journalist. He would have been on his guard due to the
BBC Inside Out production made about corruption in Rutland
which was being filmed at the time.

The book says the court case was thrown out, It would be
correct to say it was not. I was found correctly not guilty.

I am for ever great-full to my advocate David Swingler
and the non corrupted Leicestershire Police and Staff
who gave truthful evidence against the police and council
staff and Councillors.

If they had not I could have been sent to prison.

I still ask what does our councils have to hide? I don't
believe I have ever asked anything particularly big
but they are determined to shut me up. Or is just
because they are purely really rotten nasty people?