Saturday, November 29, 2014

Give Oakham the Christmas Tree it Deserves, A Community Action Group Page Has Appeared On Facebook

Give Oakham the Christmas Tree it Deserves, A Community Action Group Page Has Appeared On Facebook

Residents appear to have had enough of Oakham Town Councils shoddy costly practices even
if it is just when it comes to the Town Christmas Lights.

Give Oakham the Christmas Tree it Deserves is the page name.


Oakham Town Council has an amazing ability to get drawn into expensive contracts.

For example the lights in the town, first year they spent about £20,000
on purchasing the new lights and putting them up.

The company they purchased the lights from, puts up and takes down the lights
each year for almost the same price as the first year, it's as if the council is actually
renting the lights rather than owning them. The cost is far greater than it used to

As for the bent tatty Christmas tree, I sat in at a meeting when they agreed to pay
a large contribution to the Rotary, who always had previously paid for the tree.
They proudly displayed a sign stating it's their gift to the town.

After the first large donation from Oakham Town Council, I objected to this
sign and a second more modern sign was erected next to the Rotary sign
stating Oakham Town Council contributes toward the cost.

The town councillors said at one meeting, we do not want to upset the Rotary
by suggesting, we the town council pay and organise a better Christmas Tree.

Why not?

When will this Town Council recognise it is meant to serve the community
as a whole and not a group of old farts that they so often pander to.

I often wonder, what hold these clubs and society have over our town
council? Apart from the obvious, many of the most terrible Councillors are
what make up their membership.

I have suggested the following to the campainers

Can I please suggest all those who are fed up with the failings of Oakham Town Council attend the last meeting of the year on the 10th December at Victoria Hall and tell the council so, because I am getting fed up telling them what people are saying and being attacked by Councillors and theirs mates for doing so. They look me in the face and tell me I am lying and I am nuts quite frankly I am in plain facebook language I am getting pissed off with it. As for the Christmas Tree the town council gives £200 to the Rotary Club as a contribution so the Rotary Can continue to give a tree as a gift. No one knows how much this dreadful tree cost. I have sat in at all meetings and listened to this self serving council. They will not refuse the Rotary money because they don't want to upset the old boys it's that simple you all pay for this council of selfish, egotistic, nasty folk. Sorry for the rant, but after this week being told by our councils deputy mayor I am liar and nuts for passing on public comment I think its justified. The ordinary people of this good town need to take over the council next May and get rid of the old club.