Thursday, November 20, 2014

Leicestershire and Rutland Fire Services Oakham Fire Station Cuts

Fire Service Cuts, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service is currently holding
a consultation period before it implements cuts that will effect Oakham.
There is a proposal to remove one of the engines from Oakham Fire Station.
Literature circulating states this will leave Oakham with just one engine.
I find this confusing because there are three, I think the third is used by the
retained service and may not count in the figures.

A lot of pressure appear to be placed on Oakham Fire and Rescue and I get the
feeling they actually attend more traffic incidents than fires. Where they do
do a grand job chopping people out of squashed and battered cars. So personally
I can not see the need for any cuts.

Then I question why? if the Fire Authority is so poor why has it spent so much
money on property. This includes turning Oakham into want looks like a
travel lodge and the demolition of Melton Mowbray's station and replacing it
with a costly expensive ugly box.

It is said the savings, cuts proposed for Oakham would give the fire authority
a saving of £97,000 peanuts when you consider the money wasted throughout
the county on property.

The consultation runs until December 31st 2014
