Friday, November 28, 2014

Leicestershire Fire Service, Consultation, Not Prepared to Hold a Public Meeting, Service Cuts, They are happy to Pay £40 to carefully selected people, Video

Leicestershire Fire Service publicly funded, Consultation, Not Prepared to Hold a Public Meeting, Service Cuts, They are happy to Pay £40 to carefully selected people, Video

Rutland County Councillor Alan Walters asks Fire Officers Question.

The public could have attended this meeting and followed the complicated process
of asking questions and deputations relating to the item on the agenda.

BBC East Midland Today gave publicity, but in true Rutland Tory Fashion the council
never gave out the time or location of the meeting.

Attendance was less than 5.

Roger Begy OBE Tory Leader gave a incredible performance during the TV interview. I thought we
were going to require another emergency service!

Not many councillors asked sensible questions, often asking questions, where the answers were
given the presentation by the fire officer. Some even repeated question asked by others.
Other asked questions answered in a paper report they had been previously given. The public were not given a copy of this report, copies of the agenda were also unavailable. So much for new laws
preventing hidden documents at meetings, Rutland County Council is fast become as dysfunctional as
Oakham Town Council.

The Fire Officer was attacked and called a liar. Called a liar for stating new homes
are safe and don't burn down in ten minutes once construction is complete.

A shocking but not unusual performance from our mainly Tory Council! If I was Leicestershire
Fire Service I would want to give up Rutland.