Thursday, November 20, 2014

Melton Mowbray, Christmas Tree Festival 2014, St Mary's Church

Melton Mowbray, Christmas Tree Festival 2014, St Mary's Church

Thursday, December 4 through to Tuesday, December 9

Christmas Trees to light up St Mary's Church, Melton Mowbray.

Each year the beautiful church is transformed with hundreds of decorated trees from individuals and businesses in the area.

People come from far and wide to see the spectacle, and last year there were nearly 900 trees in all.

The Buffet & Wine Preview Evening with the official switch-on of the hundreds of lights will take place on Thursday, December 4th at 7.30 pm in St Mary’s Church.

Tickets £7 are now available and can be obtained from the Samworth Centre Reception or from Ian Neale on 01664 565798 or ianneale@talktalk.net

Do come and support this event which is always a great occasion.

One of the big questions is just what the Rector, the Revd Kevin Ashby, will be wearing at this year's event. Two years ago he dressed as a tree (top picture), while last year he wore a tree hat (above). Whatever he decides to come as, it's sure to be a tree-at for the thousands of children and adults alike who come through the doors of St Mary's Church.

The switching-on of Melton Mowbray's Christmas lights will take place on Friday, December 5, which also coincides with the first public viewing of this year’s Christmas Tree Festival.

The Switching on at 6.45pm will be Lucinda Rhodes Flaherty, pictured, CBBC star of Cavegirl and the Dream Team TV series, who will be starring as the Wicked Queen in this year’s panto at Melton Theatre - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

Helping her flick the switch will be Mayor of Melton, Councillor John Wyatt.

The fun-filled day of town centre entertainment is set to start at 9.45am, with live performances from 18 local schools as well as other acts. Also back this year - by popular demand - will be real live reindeer.

A spectacular fireworks display will be held later in the evening (6.50pm) before local artists, including performer Mary Garbe and talented acoustic artist Matthew Bloomfield, perform through to 8pm.

On Saturday, December 6, there will be live music in the town centre, with the Good Guys Orchestra playing from noon, with children and adults from the Performing Stars Academy set to give performances from 1.30pm.

There will be free parking in all of Melton’s long-stay car parks on every Friday in December - starting with the Christmas lights switch-on.