Monday, November 10, 2014

Oakham Cemetery, Neglected By Conservative Rutland County Council, Video, Tory Shame

Oakham Cemetery, Neglected By Conservative Rutland County Council Video, Tory Council Robbing Tax Payers From Cradle to Grave.

For a number of years families have been complaining about Rutland County Council's neglect
of Oakham's Cemetery.

There is a committee which seems pretty pointless and powerless in achieving any satisfactory outcome. The committee meets very infrequently and is made up of mainly local councillors.

One of those told me and others Rutland County Council has buried  people in the wrong graves and attempted to cover that up.

Rutland County Council recently attempted to dump the management of the cemetery at the door of the town council. Fortunately they have so far not agreed to take on the neglect and suggested Rutland County Council should carry out repairs.

Rutland Tory Council charges the highest council tax in the land. It does not provide much in return,
despite this it fails residents so often.

It is shocking Rutland County Council can not even manage a cemetery to a standard residents expect and deserve.