Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Roger Begy Conservative Leader Tries To Stop Me Commenting Police & Crime Commissioners Meeting

Roger Begy Conservative Leader Tries To Stop Me Commenting Police & Crime Commissioners Meeting.

My first attempt to register my intent to speak at the meeting was greeted with a snarl and the infamous Roger Begy finger.

At my second attempt Roger Begy attempted to block my comment and question be I had chosen to film the meeting.

In the short clip you can hear me raise my objection and his objection to me moving into a public
seat. He an his Tory council are such control freaks.

When I get to uploading the full length film, I hope you will all notice Roger Begy's lack of chairman's skills. Also the extremely defensive body language use by both him and is side kick 
Tory bully girl Chief Executive Helen Briggs.

I also found it rather odd when Cllr Cross raised the issue of limited time to question the guest.
Councillors had met the Chief Constable and The Police and Crime Commissioner and asked questions before this meeting. the Chief Constable referred to this when he challenge a UKIP councillor by saying "you have already attacked me once this evening" 

If time was so limited why did Roger Begy permit Councillors more questioning time at this 
public meeting?

The public were out numbered by Councillors and the members of the Rutland Conservative Association.