Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Rutland Airport, Cllr Plews, Rutland County Council, Raises his interest and meeting in Dubai

Rutland Airport, Cllr Plews, Rutland County Council, Raises his interest and meeting in Dubai

Cllr Plews a former Tory who fell out with the Rutland Tory Mob, he gave a police statement
claiming I have destroyed Oakham, he first raised the possibility of an airport here in Rutland
when RAF Cottesmore closed. Since then the base has become Kendrew barracks home for
the army. The numbers of personnel is increasing all the time and I read the Army is intending
to build more houses.

Cllr Plews no longer lives in Rutland and hangs onto his seat by claiming he runs a small
gardening business from his van here in Oakham.

I often wonder how Cllr Plews funds his lifestyle and frequent trips to places such as

In the past he often claimed he ran a very successful local security firm and sold it, this
was questioned when a date published showed the company was dormant at that time.

Cllr Plews did once win  a few pounds according to a press report, a lottery win which he
took as a sign of good luck after he and his family avoided a near death experience, I think
around 2005

I can only assume he has invested those few pounds wisely.

I look forward to the day Cllr Plews fully leaves Rutland completely and maybe he would like to
take his partners in crime, Haworth, Beech and Harrison with him!