Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Leicester Police Fraud Squad Notified of Oakham Town Council Illegal Co-options

Leicester Police Fraud Squad Notified of Oakham Town Council Illegal Co-options

Last month Oakham Town Council Co-opted  a new Councillor Mr Vincent Howard.

When it was pointed out to them they had not followed the correct legal procedure
they ignored the obvious and co-opted Mr Howard, he signed his acceptance papers and
took his seat at the council meeting and considered one agenda item.

Then Deputy Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis, said I had a point, he and the Clerk had been studying
the local government act.

The council then proceeded to revisit the co-option ignoring
their own standing orders. I doubt if they told their legal advisor this.

Some one from Oakham Town Council has spoke to the police today and said "because we
broke the law the first time the resolution was not lawful and we did not have to over turn

I will also ask Leicestershire Police to investigate the two co-options made at the end of
2013. Oakham Town Council also admitted they made mistakes then and had learnt.

Oakham Town Councils Clerk has refused to publish Mr Howard's contact details on the
councils website, he also refused to pass on his details to me.

As to date there is no notification of the co-option outcome published on there site.

Mr Howard did not attend a recent planning and parks meeting, "for personal reasons"

If you live in the Oakham South West Ward and would like to contact your
new Councillor he is available via Facebook:
