Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oakham Town Council are so confident Leicestershire Police won't enforce Local Government Laws Cllr Dewis Writes Admitting Law Breaking

Oakham Town Council are so confident Leicestershire Police won't enforce Local Government Laws Cllr Dewis Writes Admitting Law Breaking.

The Mayor Cllr Jayne Woodcock has written two letters claiming the process was flawed

Now her deputy admits the council led by him a decision was not made in compliance with
legal requirement.

Time after time Oakham Town Council breaks the law and there appears to be no one
available to stop them.

In other parts of the country police force bring charges against law breaking Councillors
only last week in Dorset Tory leader has been sent to trial for breaches of the localism

Here in Oakham and Rutland Councillor are all immune from prosecution.

To me this letter is utter nonsense, if you break the law there surely must be consequences?