Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Meeting Report 10th December 2014

Oakham Town Council, Meeting Report 10th December 2014

This evening the official notices advertised the wrong meeting.

Video to follow, a kind friend has given me a tripod so you should see the
council from a better angle Cllr Stubs bum has not been appreciated by viewers.

This was the councils end of term meeting.

I say end of term because the conduct of some members was more befitting to
that of a primary school.

The Mayor noticed this but brushed it off by saying we are entitled to smile
at times.

Cllr Alan Walters was late. Cllr Martin is off sick and Cllr John Nowell
was absent again,

There were no declarations of interests given.

Cllr Adam Lowe did raise the matter of Town Partnership member not declaring
regarding the financial request from Rutland County Council to pay £300
for free parking as part of their event, I think the localism act would require
them do so, fortunately for them Leicestershire Police are not like Dorset and
they appear to have no interest in enforcing the act.

The minutes of the last meeting were approve after one of the Deputy Mayors lies
were removed along with a name of a member of the public.
The council did nothing about his biggest lie based on what he was a result of what
he claims was advice given. The minutes should give a accurate record of what happened
not the advice given after the event.

I gave deputations on the minutes, the co-option and gym exempt item.
During my deputation Cllr Alf Dewis Deputy Mayor was grinning,
Some one laughed at a point that was not funny. I think it was the Mayor.

The Mayor gave a short report which included comment on events or issues
that occurred during her absence. She said Councillors would need to meet
after Christmas to discuss these issues.

Cllr Lowe reported on various things and suggest the Christmas Tree campaign
was over kill. Not what he said on the BBC News.

The Council decided they will co-opt to replace Cllr Haworth.

Cllr Stubs objected to the interview panel being made up of the entire council.
I am not sure why? I think this is a good move,  Not that it will see me co-opted.
I thinks its daft the council is going through the process, because the Councillor
will only serve about two months before the May election.

The council agreed to pay Rutland County Council £300 for the free parking
for small business Saturday.

She talked about the kudos the council had missed out due to Rutland County
Council requesting support so late.

I tend to agree Rutland County Council told the paper and radio they were giving
the free parking.

Cllr Lucas pointed out the signs all said Rutland County Council were responsible
for the free parking, she was not happy with this and wrote the town council
on the signs. a perfect case of predetermination I think!

Oakham Town Council agreed to take over the cemetery from Rutland County
Council in April 2016

Oakham Town Councillors proposed a minor change to a street name at the
new Jeakins Weir Development.

The new Councillor V Howard gave his opinion as a representative of
the emergency services  the use of Uppingham Road would cause confusion.
Cllr Adam Lowe suggest Cllr Adam Lowe Road, The Mayor said people
might remember him when he is dead. Cllr Lowe then put his had to his chest
a said he was not feeling well.

A draft of the budget was noted

The Council decided the last item did not need to be exempt,

I ask then asked for a copy of the withheld report for the public.
The Mayor adjourned the meeting for the public to digest the content.
I question the point of that because we could not make a deputation,
I also pointed out they they had breached the localism act by withholding
the documents. The council eventually agreed and the item on the gym
was deferred to the next meeting to be held in January 2015

The Mayor finished the meeting by letting us know Cllr Maureen Dodds
had resigned. She suggested the council buy her some flowers and thanked
her for her service.

I remember when another Councillor resigned many of the same Councillors
suggested she was written to and thanked, the Clerk and Chairman quipped
no she gone that's it.

It is well known Cllr Dodds was part of the rotten old guard so its no
surprise she is treated differently,

Just before the meeting was closed Cllr Lucas asked the Mayor if the
Council will be sending a message to Oakham School?

I would have thought the Mayor would have done that Monday.
as Councillors were preparing to go home I could not help sensing
that they decided if we have to we will.