Monday, December 15, 2014

Oakham Town Council Once Again Budgets to Give Town Clerk a 2.2% Pay Rise

Oakham Town Council Once Again Budgets to Give Town Clerk a 2.2% Pay Rise

Most residents of Oakham would have been lucky to receive a pay rise
from their employer for a number of years.

The town clerk the highest paid in the country is fortunate enough to receive
a pay rise nearly every year.

The town clerk is also permitted unlimited sick pay at full rate and days of as
he pleases.

Most Oakham resident are lucky if they receive 6 weeks sick pay from a

Oakham Town Councils annual administration costs are around 80% of it's
total income with the clerks salary making up the biggest part of that cost.

Oakham Town Council pays an assistant who is a woman.

Oakham Town Council pays her almost half the rate they do the clerk
and make no extra payment when the Clerk takes one of his many
periods of sick leave.

So much for the council leading by example and treating woman as equal.