Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews A persistent misuse of publicly funded Council computers and services

I often receive unsolicited  emails which are disrespectful from Rutland County Councillors
More recently they have arrived from the Deputy Tory Leader Terry King and the most
recent from my own ex Tory Councillor Gene Plews

A persistent misuse of publicly funded  Council computers and services

If Mr Plews is minded to stand in the Oakham SE Election in May 2015, I would
like him to know I am doing my best to support the Libdem candidate to ensure
Cllr Plews is not re-elected, this will soon start with assisting the candidate with
a large leaflet drop throughout the ward.

From: GPlews@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk

To: martinjbrookes@outlook.com; dbaker@rutland.gcsx.gov.uk; Councillors@rutland.gov.uk
CC: monitoringofficer@Rutland.gov.uk

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:27:36 +0000

You talk about public standards, but here is a person ranting on again who posts pornographic images on the Oakham Town Council notice board, and refers to me as a tory mobster, and military nut amongst other highlights on your babyish blog rants that are aimed against anything or anyone.

Were you not the one rudely talking over the chairman at full council before asking your questions also on video the other-night, where's your standards? Cllr Gene Plews