Thursday, January 15, 2015

Karen Ball Fund to wind up after 27 years of care

Karen Ball Fund to wind up after 27 years of care

Another organisation touched by Oakham Cllr Joyce Lucas is to close.

Personally I think this charity lost its way when diverted it's attentions
to providing defibrillators in Rutland and last year transferring huge
sums of money to pay for the advisor that MacMillan stopped funding
at the Rutland CAB.

It should have stuck to the original purpose of the charity.

providing medical equipment, palliative care and practical help to bring comfort to seriously-ill people of Rutland and their carers.

The fund started with the provision of the Special Care Unit at the Rutland hospital followed by financial support for Rutland Suite at Leicester Royal Infirmary.

Over the past few years it has helped to support patients to live in their homes and to provide grants for those needing to visit the city hospitals.

The fund was a major contributor in the installation of defibrillators in Rutland villages.