Thursday, January 29, 2015

Oakham Town Council Planning And Parks Committee Meeting Report & Video 28th January 2015

Oakham Town Council Planning And Parks Committee Meeting Report 28th January 2015

Cllr Guthrie was absent again, I wonder if he has had enough.

This meeting was a perfect example of how daft our town council can be,

Cllr Lucas reported about the Parish Forum held at Rutland County Council to a uninterested group of Councillors with great enthusiasm, frequently mentioning dog poo and how interesting it was to hear about dog poo effecting a nearby village. She went onto to describe the Dog Warden as the
Dog Poo Warden. The Poo theme continued later in the meeting when Cllr Lucas repeadly refered
to Rutland County Councillor, Cllr Poocock instead of Pocock.

"Due to the sad resignation of Cllr Leanne Martin we need to appoint a deputy chair" said the Committee Chairman Stan Stubbs, this is the first time I have ever heard him say anything nice and it seemed sincere.

Cllr Lucas was a little confused, mainly due to the agenda not describing the item fully.

The Council did not follow its standing orders, a complete farse saw Cllr John Nowell appointed
as deputy chairman of the Planning and Parks Committee.

Councillor agreed a new grants policy. I think £8000 will be available throughout the year
to local organisations and groups up to a max of £1000.

Cllr Lucas raised a concern about Oakham in Bloom who expect their grant of £2000 to be awarded each year.

The Mayor and Deputy Mayor Cllrs Woodcock and Dewis appear to be pushing for a positive

It is normal for the usual establishment linked groups to apply each March and they receive
the same large sums. Something I have been criticised for raising in the past.

Cllr Dewis pointed out Oakham Town Council separately fund all the baskets in the town.
Personal I think the groups that have received many thousands over the years have had
it handed to them on a plate at the expense of many smaller local projects. Groups like
Oakham in Bloom will just have to be a little more proactive with their fund raising, Just
like many smaller groups.

The Planning section of the meeting was dire.

Cllr Lucas had declared an interest in one application and stated she would not be taking part
in the consideration and she did. Maybe because the wrong house number was published
on the agenda.

A application from Larkfleet Homes previous turned down by the council was approved
The Councillor had not a clue as to what had changed in the resubmitted plans,
The application is for 18 Apartments and shops of Burley Park Way.

Another application from Persimmon House for change of bricks was considered in the
same farcical fashion. Although the location was with the previous area the applicants
address was Eppingham so many Cllr Councillor said they did not need to consider it
Cllr Alf Dewis Deputy Mayor said if its in Empingham we should turn it down.
It probably did not help that the published agenda gave a non existent road name
Barley Park Way.

I am not sure of the outcome of the last item as I had lost interest in the shocking
way the council conducted its affairs.

I read a letter on the table address to the Mayor from The Charity Rutland Sailability
The chairman offering the Mayor Free Tickets to a fundraising event and highlighting
and shouting the provision of Free Wine! (Always been a Rutland Problem)

After the meeting one councillor rushed to their car in pure frustration and said
they don't drink or drive, so they were driving home parking the car colleting
their wallet and running back to the pub for a much needed drink.

No it was not Cllr Adam Lowe he run of holding the Mayors hand in the opposite
direction. Looks like Adam is back in the controlling clique once again.