Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Northill Parish Council, Jason Henegan Blogger charged with harassment of the council clerk

Northill Parish Council, Jason , charged with harassment of the council clerk.

Jason Henegan is blogger henegan.co.uk   he says he has suffered "immense trouble with his local council - a parish council"

He has been charged for harassment of the council clerk, his trial is set for June 2015

Jason Henegan says he receives unwanted harassment due to his criticism of the parish council

He suspects this originates from a Councillor(s) or supporters.

This is how Bedfordshire Police respond to his complaints.

“I am writing to provide you with an update with regards to the complaint of harassment that you made on 29th September 2014. A copy of the e-mails provided by you on this date have been forwarded to both the Crime Registrar and the Legal Services department at Bedfordshire Police in order to make a decision on the best way to proceed. We will also be making enquiries to identify the user of the e-mail account from which the e-mails were generated and to confirm or deny your suspicion regarding the name you provided recently in a further e-mail.”

On the 30 Oct 2014 Jason published  The identity of Phaedrus, the 'anonymous' e-mailer who sent me 'harassing' emails, has now been revealed! And it is no other than Cllr Kay!

Parish Clerks, often think they are untouchable here in Oakham ours is apparently being 
weaned of the bottle on full pay and works when he feels like it, what other profession
would tolerate that sort of performance and conduct?

Northill Parish Council 

The web describes:

The parish of Northill consists of Upper and Lower Caldecote, Ickwell, Northill, Hatch, Thorncote and Budna.

The Parish Council is made up of 12 Councillors and is responsible for grass cutting and maintenance of greens, open spaces and verges within the 30mph limit throughout the parish and managing and maintaining the cemeteries and closed churchyards at Upper Caldecote and Northill.

It is fascinating how a a group of people with such few responsibilities can help cause so much discontent.

Although the Clerks address is clearly visible on Parish documents
the following instruction is given.

Further wasting taxpayers money using a PO Box.

Please note new postal address for Northill Parish Council

PO Box 183
SG19 3X

All postal correspondence should be sent to this
address. Under no circumstances should anything be posted or
delivered by hand to the Clerks home address.

Northill Village:

This part of the country is known for its support of The Witchcraft Act, MP Humphrey Winch was born in the village of Northill, Like our current Rutland MP he was also knighted, He then became 
a Judge and on the 18th July 1616 he had nine women and girls, servants at Husbands Bosworth Hall in Leicestershire hung for alleged witchcraft.

The Parish Council like so many appears to be a family affair.

Jason Henegan stood  for election in 2013 and lost to Richard Maudlin.

His father, Peter Maudlin had died in office.

The local press reported Richard stands for "continuity on the council, which he believes is running smoothly" Clearly a man with a vision for progression and change for the better.

Election Thursday, September 12 2013

Richard Maudlin 661 votes

Jason Henegan  49  votes

Jason Henegan is planning to stand again this May


Jason Henegan has had some past success against his parish council, his quest
for basic answers from his parish council:



Despite this success the Clerk has decided Jason Henegan and his wife can no longer
ask questions or speak at public meetings or make complaints.

Jason's T-shirt:

Northill Parish Council is like so many, pointless and has a record of 

The previous Clerk was arrested in February 2012
Convicted in September 2012

Although she resigned in August 2011 complaining
she was a victim of harassment she sill managed to
commit fraud a month later.

Parish Councillors don't like appearing on Jason's blog
Cllr David Kay has demanded all post are removed. I found
a couple of posts elsewhere which Cllr Kay asked Jason to remove.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil

cllr david kay  I’d describe the recent anonymous e-mail scandal as a “car crash“.  Wouldn’t you, Cllr Kay?
The sad thing about Monday’s (Northill Parish) Full Council meeting, where this subject appeared on the agenda, is that –
  • No councillor expressed outrage or dismay at this incident taking place
  • No councillor condemned Cllr Kay for his actions
  • There was no resolution to hold an internal complaint against Cllr Kay for bringing Northill Parish Council into disrepute.  Can we infer that Northill Parish Council endorses or condones Cllr Kay’s actions?
  • Cllr Kay himself could have apologised to Northill Parish Council, myself, or all parishioners, on record at the meeting
This speaks volumes for the corporate body that is Northill Parish Council:
“See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil
about any wrong-doings at the council

Cllr David Kay of Northill Parish Council Car Crash Ickwell Green 24/11/14
Crashed into Jason's stationary car

Posted on 
  • Integrity – They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.    Like material benefits related to their car insurance.
  • Accountability – Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.     Like admitting when they have done something wrong.
  • Openness – Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner.   Like admitting when they have done something wrong.
  • Honesty – Holders of public office should be truthful.  Like not saying one thing (‘sorry’) and meaning another (‘not my fault’)
  • Leadership – Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behaviour. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and be willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.

cllr david kay  Please note since first posting, Cllr Kay has eventually admitted liability.
Well at last night’s meeting the action started even before we had entered Ickwell Village Hall!
After stopping my car to park at Ickwell Green, opposite the Ickwell Village Hall, Cllr Kay reversed his car into mine!  Yes you heard that correctly.  The impact severely shook Jill Parker who was the passenger in my car.  She is of advancing years and frailty and the experience knocked her for six. After the impact, Cllr Kay got out of his car and said ‘sorry’ to me but not to Jill.
I checked Jill was OK and I walked her into the meeting hall.  It took some time for Jill to compose herself after this traumatic ordeal.
This morning, Cllr Kay arrived at my house to take pictures of the damage.  He said he would not be admitting liability.  How sad.  Is Cllr Kay failing to observe the Nolan Principles of public life in his private dealings with me?  As a community figure he should be honest and upstanding in his dealings with everyone: inside meetings and outside.  May I remind Cllr Kay of the relevant principles (located here in case you are reading Cllr Kay):
Exactly that last one Cllr Kay.  If you are trying to ‘evade’ admitting liability, you may be sending the same signal to all parishioners.  Show some leadership and admit when you have done something wrong.
Want to hear the audio of the crash?  Here it is:

Audio Only. Cllr David Kay reverses into a parked car on Ickwell Village Green, 24th November 2014. The passenger was shaken but uninjured.

How can Cllr Kay survive?

cllr david kay  That’s the question that will be on the lips of parishioners at next Monday’s Full Council meeting.
Cllr Kay has
  • breached the trust of parishioners and possibly his fellow Councillors
  • been investigated by the Information Commissioner for a breach of the Data Protection Act
  • been investigated by the police for harassment and offences under the Malicious Communications Act
Open question to Cllr Kay:
Why do you think you are still fit for duty as a Parish Councillor after what you’ve done?
Today I see Cllr Kay attending at the Pound Close Cemetery car park with an unidentified individual in a high-visibility jacket.  Perhaps, given that the long range forecast is for a wet winter, someone at Northill Parish Council has decided to do something about the recurring flooding.
But how Cllr Kay can show his face in Pound Close, let alone the whole Parish is beyond me.