Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Oakham Town Clerk Karma? Oakham Town Council have recognised the Town Clerks Mental Health Issues and he is permitted PT Return to Work

Oakham Town Clerk Karma? Oakham Town Council have recognised the Town Clerks Mental Health Issues and he is permitted a Part-Time Return to Work

Councillors discussed openly this evening matters surrounding the Clerk Richard Whites
mental health and wellbeing.

He had requested to go on a two day jolly and which would be funded by the taxpayer.

At Public deputations I objected and referred to last time he attended such a conference.
I also raised the issue of the clerks constant absence and now his apparent part-time
roll for which he is be paid a full time wage. It is a disgrace.

The Town Clerk is corrupt and fully supported and condoned the Harassment and Homophobia and other activities carried out by former and present Councillors.

When I see the Clerk, he looks pissed to me. He says its stress perhaps drink and stress
show similar signs?

Some Councillors said the two day conference could add to his stress

Personally I do not believe the taxpayers should be funding the Clerk and he should
be sacked for his past poor conduct. Of course the old guard won't risk that course of action
because he might spill the beans. Something he should have done years ago and perhaps
he would not be suffering now.

To show some fairness I will say he has been bullied by former Mayors and Councillors
and some past Mayors and Councillors have failed to ensure the Clerk did his job correctly.

I remember one former Mayor telling me everytime I ask him to do something he goes home
sick. The council has created this problem in two ways lack of staff management and bullying,

Knowing how the clerks behaviour has affected myself it is very hard to have any sympathy for
his current mental condition, but I will and I hope he can sort himself out soon.

It might help him to lift the burden if he started by telling the truth to Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigators.

Or perhaps he should save the taxpayers a fortune and just resign now!

I was wondering if it was appropriate for Councillors to refer to the Clerks health during
a public meeting, perhaps this would have been the correct time to have had an exempt
item heard at a staffing committee meeting?