Sunday, February 22, 2015

Rutland County Council Consultation on draft charging schedule Community Infrastructure Levy

Rutland County Council Consultation on draft charging schedule Community Infrastructure Levy

Oakham Town Council might send comments to Rutland County Council the consultation
document is an agenda item this week.

Rutland County Council is losing its ability to extort 106 contributions out of developers.
however small all large they may be.

Rutland County Council has already been effected by changes in the law, at a recent planning
application it was forced to withdraw some very greedy 106 contribution demands from some
smaller applications.

The government is scrapping 106 contributions seen by many as a legal bribe.

The council in some cases might say if you give us lots of money to spend on a old prison
site we will approve your plans.

The Police might not object to a new supermarket if they receive a new police station as a force
did some time ago when Tesco built a new store they built a police station in West Bromwich in 2011.

Councils are to fix a Community Infrastructure Levy.

Although this will reduce the income received by Rutland County Council the money
will be poured into the central pot and we won't see repeats of the council forgetting
to spend the money in time and rushing out and dumping a load of unwanted play
equipment on residents to avoid returning unspent money to the developer.

I would imagine just like our council tax the levy is likely to be set at the highest
level if the independent body permits it.