Saturday, March 07, 2015

Inspector Zoe Hallam Nottingham Police Agrees with Rutland UKIP Councillors Claim

Inspector Zoe Hallam Nottingham Police Agrees with Rutland UKIP Councillors Claim

Inspector Hallam carrying blue bag

Inspector Hallam stopped to chat to the Rutland County Councillors after spotting their
banner outside the congregational church Oakham High Street today.

Inspector Hallam said she "agreed" with their claim as she pointed to the word 'Police'.
She added this is a "national problem" referring the councillors claim of police and council corruption.

Inspector Hallam is on of two police officers who was subjected to a fraud investigation.

After a claim was made as result of a accident.

Nottingham Police arrested and suspended,  Inspector Zoe Hallam  and her husband  Inspector Phil Hallam late 2013.

December 2014 The CPS decided not to prosecute either officers.

Both officers are currently awaiting the result of a disciplinary proceedings.

Inspector Zoe Hallam described the harassment of being placed under surveillance and the
intrusive nature of Nottingham Polices investigation.

She said she may be under surveillance today, it may have been just a coincidence because
as she was telling the councillors this, I spotted a man across the road taking photograph and
and he appeared to me as if he did not want to be seen.

Inspector photographed the banner with her phone before leaving.