Thursday, April 16, 2015

BBC Challengers’ 8pm Debate on 16 April 2015 The Open University The Election Debate Visualisation Project

BBC Challengers’ 8pm Debate on 16 April 2015 The Open University The Election Debate Visualisation Project

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The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) at The Open University and the University of Leeds 
has created an attractive feedback tool to allow the audience to take part in televised election 
debates in new ways. What’s more, the project also aims to analyse the responses of users.
When the first televised debates took place ahead of the 2010 General Election, research 
identified a public appetite for understanding more about the political parties and their policies, 
but discovered viewers were often left feeling disengaged.
On Thursday 16 April viewers will see a final debate between five opposition party leaders 
on the BBC, moderated by David Dimbleby. The EDV's Democratic Reflection app
available on laptops, tablets and mobile devices, aims to capture viewers' reactions and use 
this to build a richer understanding of our democratic needs, engagement and reflections on 
the political debate. 
Viewers can express their feelings and thoughts by using digital cards which capture 
different reflective statements. They can say – for instance – ‘I’m losing interest’ or ‘S/he's 
just saying what people want to hear’ and so on. 
At the same time, viewers can also watch the live feed of reactions from other
 users interacting with the tool.

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