Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cllr Alf Dewis Said The Period The Clerk Will Be Continued To Be Paid Full Pay For No Work is Private

Cllr Alf Dewis Said The Period The Clerk Will Be Continued
To Be Paid Full Pay For No Work is Private

At this evenings town council meeting I ask how many more months is the
Clerk who has been off sick for months on full pay going to continue to
receive full pay.

Members of the public are very unhappy with the situation created by
bully Cllr Alf Dewis.

The public have a right to know how long they are going for an inactive
incompetent clerk. We don't wan to know his personal reasons for absence.

Cllr Alf Dewis has been controlling the council for a number of
years and needs to be stopped.

A fine example of his control was when Adam Lowe was mayor
and Cllr Dewis spent a quarter of the precept setting up the gym
for his friends.

Cllr Lowe said at a meeting he did not know it was going to cost so

How can you have a chairman who does not know what was going on?

This sort of thing can happen when you have people like bully Cllr
Dewis pulling the strings.