Thursday, April 16, 2015

Oakham Town Council New Council Rutland Times Cllr Alf Dewis

Oakham Town Council New Council Rutland Times Cllr Alf Dewis

Alf Dewis, who will keep his seat in the south west ward, was unsure why there was a shortage of candidates for the town council. He said: “There has been a lack of interest in local politics over the last few years so maybe that is continuing.”

I think you do know why Mr Dewis! just think about how those who wanted to stand were
badgered by constant phone calls and withdrew before nominations because they felt
those interventions from your old guard were "unethical" 

Personally I am not looking forward to sitting on the council with you, the bully and
a control freak you are who more recently seeks pleasure by causing woman such distress.
You are the main reason people don't wan to come forward in large numbers.

Regarding the vacancies, you tell the paper the new councillors will decided by members
who will be best the best candidates to be co-opted .

You like myself have no general public support. So who are we to decide if a person
who comes forward to serve their community can or not do so?

Their should be no intrusive interviews and the basic law on co-option should be
followed as recently advised to Clerks by the Rutland and Melton LAC.

Candidates should receive an overall majority and the whole process must be held
in open session.

The problem with Oakham Town Council is it has no real purpose apart from
looking after three parks putting up bunting and hanging baskets  and cleaning a loo
all at a very high cost to the taxpayers.

The Town Council does not provide any essential services.

Cllr Alf Dewis will not consider implementing a local plan which would  require
input from local people. He and a small group are not interested in local
peoples views and fear any loss of power or control if local people did show
an interest in so called local democracy. The way some members have acted
towards myself is evidence enough.

Of Course Cllr Dewis has no control over the people of Oakham, he is quite
powerless fortunately for the residents, although he will cuddle up to anyone
who does have power, the bullying leadership at Rutland County Council and of course
there is the local police,when will they learn? I think yearnings for power and his style of
leadership go back to the days when he was a power crazed reservist officer for a very
short period of time.

I personally hope Oakham Town Council which does have a few new members
will seek change and I am willing to work with all to seek that change.

The 45% of income spent on the administration of the council is a disgrace.

To start with the move to Princess Avenue would be a good start. A community
hub would be great.

I am told some parents would like a youth club onsite, this would be a great
start to give the town council a purpose within our community.

Of Course as we would be expected Cllr Dewis has spoken out against this
progress and believes the town council should remain in Victoria Hall
costing the tax payer over £15,000 a year. The only purpose I can see
is it give the council a visual presence and status in the town. Yes it is
a fine building, the town council does not need to be their wasting
so much money there is no need for a prime location because the council
does not provide any essential services. Fortunately the town council
only has a small plastic sign on the outside wall advertising their presence.
If it were any larger people might notice the council existence and
start to question its role and purpose,

The space rented  is too small and unventilated I nearly choked last
night the hot weather had made the chamber stink,  Cllr Lucas added to the
ambience by masking the stink with  a large dose of lavender air freshener!

Rutland Times:

Town and parish council seats are also up for grabs. But in Oakham the makeup of the town council has already been decided. Each of the authority’s four wards has three seats. In two of them, only three candidates are standing, while the others have either two candidates or one. This leaves the council three members short.

Alf Dewis, who will keep his seat in the south west ward, was unsure why there was a shortage of candidates for the town council. He said: “There has been a lack of interest in local politics over the last few years so maybe that is continuing.”

But Mr Dewis said it was important people took an interest in local democracy.

“It’s essential if you want to have a say in how the town is run,” he added. “The way to do that is to join the council.

“People are very busy and a lot of people have their families and jobs to look after. A lot of people are travelling to work so their time is desperately short. I can understand why some people don’t have time.

“But I would recommend that people contact the council and ask what they can do, and see whether they want to be involved.”

Following the election on May 7, the nine Oakham Town Council candidates will meet for the first time on May 13. After that they will open the three vacancies for co-option. People can apply and councillors will decide the best candidates.