Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Secret Rutland Tory Proposition.

Secret Rutland Tory Proposition

Last night walking home through the arboretum from a Rutland County Council meeting
I was startled by Mr Lammie as he jumped into my pathway. He hissed 'Brookes come this
way' beckoning me towards the shelter of Joyce Lucas's tree.
Rather intrigued I followed Mr Lammie, into the undergrowth.

Mr Lammie a man of many words said, I have a cunning plan. We need your assistance.

The long, and it was very long and short of it, was that he wanted me to join the Tory party and
assist him with his plot to topple Terry King in a leadership challenge due to the supposed
secret resignation of Roger Begy, the Tory group leader.

I considered this quite seriously for a fragment of a second.

The advantages would be:

Free Leaflets and protection via the party banner from legal action and internet trolls.

The added pleasure of toppling Terry King was a big temptation, but then I remembered
the pact Faust made with the devil and decided my soul had a higher price than toppling
Terry King.

First published 1st April 2015