Sunday, May 17, 2015

Cllr Joyce Lucas the 12 year Vendetta, The Tree and Oakham Town Council, Residents Dispute

Cllr Joyce Lucas the 12 year Vendetta, The Tree and Oakham Town Council, Residents Dispute
I am attempting to get this issue on the agenda at the next available meeting.

Nearly 12 years ago Oakham Town Council planted a row of trees at Royce Recreation
Ground the residents of Cold Overton Road were not happy with the trees being 
planted so close to their properties. 

Most of the trees were removed, two residents tell me they had the pleasure of meeting
Cllr Joyce Lucas, it is said they did not get on. The tree next to their property was not
removed. For many years the two residents have continually had to ask the council 
to remove over hanging branches. They say the council and Cllr Lucas have been very
awkward and Cllr Lucas's conduct causes them a great deal of stress.

Over the years I have witnessed Councillors laughing at letters which used to be 
read out in the meetings. Last year one of the residents attended a meeting 
because Cllr Lucas was proposing planting more trees on the playing field, the 
resident pointed out to Cllr Lucas Royce Recreation Ground is a playing field not
a park. Cllr Lucas publicly showed little if any respect for the resident.

Earlier this year the residents visited Oakham Town Council and Cllr Lucas
was present. Three Days later she published a picture in her Rutland Times
Column of that tree in full bloom, titled we are lucky to have such nice trees
in Oakham. The residents pointed out to me what she had done. They 
believe this was a deliberate act by Cllr Lucas to add to there distress she causes 

It is very hard to understand how Cllr Lucas actually earned her BEM for 
services to the community. 

Personally I find Cllr Lucas difficult because she held Cllr Haworth's hand in 
court and currently blames me for her "poor state of mental health."

On Wednesday I greeted her, she responded good evening and stated 
she was never going to talk to me again. That should be interesting
as we do have to work together on the promotions of Oakham working
group and be part of the larger Council team. Perhaps she should retire 
if she can't cope.

Oakham Town Council
Here is the text for the item for the next Council Meeting or Park and Planning
Tree Royces Recreation Ground Princess Avenue Oakham
For over 10 years a neighbouring residents feel they have been in dispute
with Oakham Town Council.
The Residents say they are caused a great deal of stress when
each year they approach the Town Council and request
the tree is maintained.
The tree is pruned each year costing the Town Council around
At a past meeting of the old council it was suggested a new tree
was planted in front of this tree and when fully grown the original tree
would be removed. I am sure most members are aware tree take
a long time to grow.
The residents have spoken to me and requested my assistance.
I visited the site and find a number of trees in the area including
new trees. 

1. Felling: Although I am not a advocate of felling trees, in this case I believe 
the tree is costing a large sum of money each year and after 
meeting the residents, I believe this long ongoing dispute is
causing them distress and harm. the reputation of the Town Council Is
also being harmed. I recommend the tree is felled. 

2. Replacement, due to the number of trees already planted in
surrounding area, I do not think the tree needs to be replaced.
if Councillors are minded to see a replacement planted further away
from the residents property I think it should be 
replaced with a mature tree spending up to £200 at
a local nursery who would deliver and plant it.

3. If none of the above is approved, could the Town Council 
implement a maintenance plan and notify
the residents of dates, so they do not need
to continually visit the Town Council.


1. To decide if The Town Council will fell tree.

2. To decide if a replacement tree is required.