Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cllr Martin Brookes Oakham Town Council Oakham South East

Cllr Martin Brookes Oakham Town Council Oakham South East

I am pleased to be able to serve our community here in Oakham.

Currently the Town Council does little to serve it's community.

We spend a huge sum of your money cutting grass in a few play areas
and creating other ways to spend the income as collected from
you as we please.

We also give some away to local organisations we favorably support.

We also spend thousands putting up Bunting and Flags
for no good reason other than making "the town look nice."

Imagine a "town without bunting and flowers" says Cllr Joyce
Lucas. An insult to the quaint visual architectural nature of our historic
market town.

Walking down the high street a few days ago the wind was
strong and I thought what a horrendous noise as the
bunting was nearly torn from its fixings.

The high administration costs of so little would not be accepted
in the business world, so I can not understand why it is acceptable
at local government level?

Myself and another Oakham South East Councillor, Vincent
Howard are keen to involve you in the running and decision
making of your council. We are planning to commandeer one
of the Town Council expensive gazebo's and hold regular
public surgeries out in the town center, possibly at the
Gaol Street Farmers Market.

We want to hear from you, what you like and what you don't
like about your Town Council.

Vince may not always be available due to great role he carries
out for our community within the fire service.

We have yet to meet the other Oakham South East Councillor.
but I am sure he will support us to bring about change.

I fully support the councils proposed move out of Victoria
Hall this would save the tax payer over £15,000 a year.

A council community hub in Princess  would be a huge benefit to
all of Oakham.

The leadership of Rutland County Council recently hinted
support for a large project which could include incorporating
their unsightly garages and has pledged to help us find funding.

Local mums and dads want a youth club

Another local wants "Sheds for Men" which has been highlighted
on the BBC a great community project that stops men going
nuts in older age, perhaps sheds for men and woman could
be seen as more progressive?

If you have any concerns relating to the length of the grass
in our play areas, the bunting or hanging baskets please
contact me using:


Tel: 07508060962