Tuesday, May 12, 2015

My Photo used for an inaccurate article about land Rigby & Co has for sale

My Photo used for an inaccurate article about land Rigby & Co has for sale

So often, so called reputable organisation use images without consent in this way rather than pay a professional photographer a living. It is very annoying that when you set Flickr and other photo
sites to Copyright all rights protected it fails to protect your images.

The photograph he uses does not even relate to the site mentioned in the article.

The site for sale is to the left of the Sainsbury's site which includes Londsdale House.

The correct site for sale can be found on the Rigby and Co website,

Barleythorpe Road, Oakham, Rutland

1.5 acre roadside development site adjacent to new Sainsbury’s store.

Download PDF

The use of my image has caused a bit of a flurry on Twitter because the
land shown was subject to residents protest via a facebook page.

It is my understanding the land has been the property of Oakham Town
Council for some time now, for the sole purpose of protecting one
of Oakham's last remaining open spaces for at least the next 99 years.

There is not much they can do to save Lonsdale House destroy by
Tresham College's disgraceful neglect.