Thursday, May 14, 2015

Oakham Town Meeting Out Going Mayor Jayne Woodcocks Statement

Oakham Town Meeting Out Going Mayor Jayne Woodcocks Statement

Oakham Town Meeting not AGM as stated.

The attendance was low Councillors out numbered the public.

The Mayor welcomed all and said it has been a challenging year
due to personal and other reasons. It has been challenging and
a pleasure to represent the town as Mayor.

The Mayor also point out a lot of Councillors departed and
she gave a special mention to Cllr Maureen Dodds who
had been a Councillor for many years, know one was able to
recall how many. Whilst complimenting her involvement
with Philip Quinton who found guilty of making homophobic
and threatening phone calls was also forgotten.

The Mayor expressed here gratitude for the many invitations
she had accepted over the year to attend events.

Especially the Freedom of Entry.

Council projects were mentioned,

Finishing of mentioning the Christmas Tree and Lights.

The Mayor raised "in short managed to raise nearly £1500
for For Rutland In Rutland"