Thursday, May 14, 2015

Paul Beech Ex Mayor Confirms Freedom Of Entry is Organised to please him at Town Meeting

Paul Beech Ex Mayor Confirms Freedom Of Entry is Organised to please him at Town Meeting

Mr Beech raised a concern about the dress code required for the forthcoming Freedom
of Entry Reception. "Formal" I am pleased to hear Mr Beech has now relaxed his opinion
on how people should dress. This could explain the absence of his tie last night.

Referring to invitations sent out by the Mayor Mr Beech said:

"If you are expecting formal dress "it ain't going to appen"
who does Mr Beech think he is coming to Oakham Town Council and
telling them "it ain't going to appen" Mr Beech resigned from the
council in 2007 and showed last night what many have known for
a long time, he is still pulling the strings from outside.

In 2010 he turned up to a meeting providing and demanding members
wear ties.

As he started his commenting, he highlighted the real reason for the town spending
tax payers money on these irrelevant activities such as granting freedom of

He turned to the Mayor and said you were born in Nottingham, referring as she
did in her statement in which she also refereed to the last freedom granted to the
RAF regiment with a weak connection to Oakham, but a very strong connection to Nottingham.

Mr Beech went on to state "I was born in Derbyshire"  the regiment that is to
be granted the freedom of Oakham next month is from Derbyshire,
At last years town meeting his wife asked why the council had turned down the request from the
commanding officer of this regiment to be granted the Freedom of Oakham.

Cllr Adam Lowe was tasked with finding a connection to Oakham and
at a recent meeting he gave out those details connecting the town
to the regiment some hundred years ago.

I have said it before and will say it again, when will Oakham Town
Council stop wasting tax payers money, pleasing themselves and
former Councillor's and Mayors, by granting these expensive and
mealiness freedoms. Only a couple of years ago they did so and
on the day the Freedom was granted the government announced the
regiment was moving away.

Oakham Town Council many years ago granted the freedom
of entry to RAF Cottesmore and I believe back then it was a
justified honour. Many local people had a real connection to the base,
people were permitted access to the base and many marriages
and friendships came from that relationship.

Kendrew Barracks replaced Cottesmore and time will tell
if a similar relationship is to be enjoyed.
Although so far the published news is not so good
"problems with the children integrating within the
community and schooling"

In the future Oakham may have developed at great relationship
with that base and Oakham Town Council might consider
the Freedom of Kendrew Barracks.

Myself and others feel the Town Council has cheapened
the honour, by constantly dishing it out in the way it has done
so over the last few years. Cllr Dewis even raised this concern
at a meeting last year.

Is it not time the town council dipped into the petty cash
and purchased this few former and current Councillors
a set of tin soldiers?