Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Ten Faces You Won't Be Seeing at the Next Rutland County Council Meeting.

The Ten Faces You Won't Be Seeing at the Next Rutland County Council Meeting.

Mark Woodcock Independent  Lost his seat no loss there.

Gene Plews Independent lost his seat poor man. The Tories can be
rotten to their own if they don't play ball.

Charlotte Vernon Conservative (Chairman) will be missed
I can help think about the time I staged a sit in protest.
I sat in front of her and she continued with the council meeting
so well.

Nick Wainwright Independent lost his seat, the residents
of Langham could not forgive the former Tory for becoming Independent
then UKIP and then returning to Independent to seek re-election.

Disqualified Nomination

Dave Richardson UKIP

Those listed below stood down

Carolyn Cartwright Conservative

Christine Emmett Conservative

David Hollis Conservative

Jonathan Munton Conservative

Martyn Pocock Conservative