Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Vote for Tim Smith – Parish Council Election Candidate 2015 North Luffenham

Vote for Tim Smith – Parish Council Election Candidate 2015

I moved to the village with my wife Hilary some three years ago and we were delighted with how welcome we were made and that friendliness has continued. Two years ago I was co-opted onto the Parish Council and very much welcome this first contested election since 1996. I hope that on election day that you will consider voting for me as I would like to continue the work I have done so far.

My responsibilities have included:

Procurement and installation of the defibrillator and formation of a group of villagers who could be called on to help should the defibrillator be required.
Member of the website subcommittee that has revamped the village website.
Upgrading of the Village Welcome Pack that was delivered to each household.
Writing the ‘Oval Use Rules’ on the website.
Lead in the Planning Subcommittee.
Member of the Organising Committee of the North Luffenham Good Neighbour Scheme.
I would like to continue helping to develop the website and for it to have greater coverage in the village. Many residents go out to work and perhaps have little time to get fully involved in village activities. I see the website as a way for the Parish Council to receive feedback as well as informing everybody of debates and decisions made.

The other main area I would like to get involved with is the ‘Village Plan’ and central to this is The Oval. There is a balance to be had between its scenic appearance and its use for various recreational activities, particularly for the young. The present cricket pavilion is deteriorating and maybe it is an opportune time to replace it, on the same footprint, with a multifunctional building having a similar appearance.

It seems likely that with the cutbacks, communities will have to become more reliant on each other; the Good Neighbour Scheme exemplifies that, and perhaps the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme too. My aim is to continue the community spirit that was shown to us when we arrived.

Promoted by Tim Smith of

Old Poor Barn
6a Church Street
North Luffenham
LE15 8JR