Saturday, May 09, 2015

We need a fairer, more proportional voting system. Owen Winter

On Friday over half of the country woke up dissatisfied that their vote didn't count, 
we need change. We need a fairer, more proportional voting system.

In this week's election result something is very clear. The party that has walked back into Downing Street got just over 30 per cent of the vote -- the majority of the country did not choose them.
As a 16 year-old, I was too young to vote in this election but when I do vote, I want it to count. The UK has changed, we no longer support a two party system. As a nation we’re voting for lots of different parties -- we want more choice. Newer, smaller parties have emerged and the public are excited by them. Across the country people have voted for them -- but under our current system they don’t count.
I want to vote in 2020 without fear of 'letting the other side in' or 'wasting my vote'. If we want change by the next election, we must act now.
The First Past the Post system is broken and needs to be replaced. Politics is no longer a choice between two candidates, we need a system that proportionally represents the wide range of political parties that are now on offer. A fairer system would mean that every vote counted towards a national picture.
In the marginal constituency of North Cornwall, where I live, I am sick of being told that the candidate I support 'can't win here'. I don't want to vote for a party I disagree with to keep out a party that I disagree with even more. I want to vote for a party that I believe in. This year’s election saw a significant proportion of the electorate vote for parties that will be no where to be seen in Westminster.
That's not right.
We have an opportunity now. Over half of the country woke up on Friday dissatisfied, we need to channel that frustration and call for change. Please support this petition for a fairer and more proportional voting system.
Together we can force the agenda on electoral reform.
Owen Winter