Saturday, June 06, 2015

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor Subject of Chat on Oakham High Street For All The Wrong Reasons

Cllr Alf Dewis Oakham Mayor Subject of Chat on Oakham High Street For All The Wrong Reasons

Over the years I have known Cllr Dewis I have learnt he is a coward asking others to most of
his dirty work. Thinking of his close relationship with local police inspectors, from Johnny to Lou.

Although he is fond of bullying those who he feels are weaker or female. He once told me
he enjoys politics and a political fight. Politics should not be confused with Bullying
and bullying should have no place in local politics.

I was pleased to hear a relative of a former female Councillor is starting to speak out
about how their wife was treated by Cllr Councillor Alf Dewis. Resulting in members
of the public speaking in public about the issue.

Personally I am ashamed he is once again the Chairman of Oakham Town Council and
our Mayor.

I did not vote for him.,

Towards me  the man is bullying patronising and rude and it is no surprise he is supporting
the dreadful conduct of Cllr Joyce Lucas BEM.

Cllr Dewis speaks of team work. His idea of team work is he is the boss and we
the Councillors do as we are told and agree with all he wants.