Friday, June 19, 2015

Impersonating a Councillor?

Impersonating a Councillor?

Thanks to a pretty silly person I find myself locked out of

Someone I can not begin to imagine who, has made a report
to Facebook claiming my account is fake and I am not Cllr Martin

Facebook requested proof, so I have sent it and have to
wait for them to decide if I am really Cllr Martin Brookes.

The good thing about this is I could end up with a verified
account which will annoy the person (s) even more.

The worst thing is I lose contact with some old friends
and years of posts if the wonderful people at Facebook
don't accept the documents sent.

I won't lose any photographs because I learnt to back up
from the days the idiots at the council used to constantly
get my Flickr account closed for no reason.