Monday, June 29, 2015

Oakham Town Council, Flag Pole Cutts Close "We Don't Like Gay People"

Oakham Town Council, Flag Pole Cutts Close "We Don't Like Gay People"

For a long time I have sensed Oakham Town Council and it few supporters
don't like anyone outside their cabal.

Dear Oakham Town Council

Re: Oakham Town Council, Flag Pole Cutts Close "We Don't Like Gay People"

Last week upto to Armed Forces Day the Armed Forces Day Flag was flown
in Cutts Close duplicating adding to the one already flying outside the Library.

I am told an individual councillor supplied the flag for Cutts Close.

No consent was sort from all members.

Cllr Lowe our deputy Mayor purchased a new Union Jack Flag and replaced
on armed forces day, once again without consulting all members.

In the park on Saturday, I suggested to Councillor Lowe that I might like to
to raise a Rainbow flag in the park or any other flag as and when it
pleased me.

His response to me was "we don't like gay people"

When he says "we" does he speak as the deputy mayor for the full council?

I have of course learnt a long time ago that some members don't wan't
me on the council is this the real reason why?

This comment is unhelpful especially when you take into consideration
of the District Judge's comments when he described the on-line the conduct of a
Councillor and past Mayors as "Homophobic Crude and Crass"

Please could Oakham Town Council consider and introduce a protocol
for what flags can fly and when from the flag pole in Cutts Close
and the one outside the Library.


Martin Brookes